Nice Fish Model Company CN Flat Car: Part 2

When all the unboxing was complete, this was the condition of the trucks that came with the car. Not a great look. But the Protocraft wheel sets will be reused. The rest, well the next two images tells you what I think.

I thought about using another pair of Intermountain Trucks with the wheels, but I chose to use a pair of RY Models Proto48 50 ton Bettendorf instead. Mostly because they were on the workbench already.

When I took off the half of the bolster that remained on the car I noticed that there was no spring on the bolster screws. So I decided to add one. Of corse that meant the while installing the new trucks, one had to shoot into the air. No problem reach into the screw bin and replace it.

I checked the remaining bolster screw and it wasn’t a 2 mm screw. It was a 2.2 mm screw, which I don’t stock. I did find the missing screw after searching the area around the workbench.

Both bolsters showed some damage. Since it was basically the same damage reversed at each end, I wonder if it was actually damage or just poor quality castings. I know what my thoughts are.

I shaved off the ridge on the bolster and then used the body washer from the RY Models trucks between the car and the truck. This placed the car at a good height for the couplers.

Here is the car with the trucks installed and the original wheels sitting on top. No they won’t be a load just forgot to take them off the car for the image.

I’m not all that impressed with the car. Besides the trucks, I was disappointed with the deck on the car. Check out the edges of the deck in the next two photos.

I wanted to try one, but I don’t think I’m happy with the car. Who knows, maybe I’ll change out the trucks for a pair of Ow5 trucks and you will see it for sale on my table in Chicago next month.

Nice Fish Model Company CN Flat Car

It’s February all ready. How did that happen?

Current view on the workbench. I have a CN 50 ton flat car model from Nice Fish Model Company. It didn’t make the journey to NJ very well.

For some reason it was shipped inside a printed box. As I opened the box I heard sounds, not a great sign. Then I saw parts.

Turns out it was just the trucks. Disappointing? Yes, but not the end of the world. The trucks appear to be Intermountain side frames with Protocraft Wheelsets. The 3D printed bolster were the weak link. That does not speak well for 3D Printing.

I will need to take a closer look at the draft gear. This appears a little misaligned.

Nice model, I’ll let you know more of what I think when I can look at it more thoroughly. First impressions are not the greatest based on condition of what I received. Fancy box to ship the model in that did not do its job to protect the model in transit. That does not speak well of the engineering behind this.

Sometimes a simple solution works. Small bubble wrap around the model and then larger bubble wrap around that has worked well for me in the past.

Recent Activity

I haven’t been up to too much lately. I have been having trouble just going into my train-room for any reason. Maybe I’m missing the passing of a couple of friends last year.

I did clear off the workbench to start to repair a couple of the yard steps on these three models that arrived from an auction this past November. They are three PRR G22’s built by Robert Parri.

The goal is to get them ready for paint. I have been looking to move my painting indoors, so I can paint all year long. The best days for painting outdoors are also the best days for being out in the world with a camera. The cameras usually win out.

What’s on the Workbench?

There has been a lot going on recently, but not that much train related. My biggest project recently has been cleaning in the train room and getting the workbench cleaned off again. There is a flyer on the bench from Kadee. I do have some of their new Proto48 trucks in. I will post some photos once the workbench is cleared off.

I did get some painting done in the last month or so. My friend needed a couple of P70 under frames painted black.

While getting those painted I did manage to paint some open hoppers on the same day. A couple of RY Models fish belly twins for the Reading and behind them a pair of PSC offset hopper cars. The PSC car will be decorated for off road hopper cars.

2024 Time to turn the page

It’s time to turn the page on 2023. Enough of that year. Time to clean off the workbench and start the new year off fresh.

The weather guys on TV have been talking all week about SNOW today. Now they are saying just a dusting. Either way it is a good morning to finish cleaning in the train room and clear off the workbench and jump back into a couple of recent projects.

A PSC Bethlehem 65 ft mill gondola for the CRP and the RY Models PRR H21 in the background being done in a late 50’s paint for a friend. Both models have had a lot of cut and piecing together of the lettering. Both had one side lettered on each of the models. Then the workbench got a little cluttered and these two were on hold since the beginning of the Fall. Now the bench is clear and time to work one them again.

So I’ll finish my coffee in my Chicago mug, look forward to thoughts of the March Show and focus on 2024.

Can You Believe It’s February Already?

I haven’t been up to that much. Mostly working on some of the cars I painted last Summer. In the above image there is a mixture of cars being decorated and in the case of the two PRR H30’s, they were decorated back when I was modeling a PRR branch set in 1956. So I was changing the weight dates on the two cars to be correct for my summer of 1952 period.

I went to work on the trucks, first thing was to polish the treads. Then, I noticed that they did not have the trucks numbered for the cars. So now they do.

Here are a pair of Hallmark B&O class N34 covered hopper cars that were painted last Summer. They are nice cars but they do show their age a little. I found both of these cars unpainted at two different Cleveland O Scale shows at least ten years ago.

They came out nice. I used a combination of both Tichy decals and also K4 decals for the cars. Both set were not totally complete, together they were fine.

This last image shows a little work on the roof walks. Gene Diemling wrote about a product from AK Interactive in his post NEW PRODUCTS: A Few Good Things & Wood! I thought I’d try it out. After a couple of tests on some scrap plastic, I thought I’d try it on the B&O car. Almost there. I think it could use a thin black wash still. But I’ll wait until I get into some of the weathering on the cars.

Thanksgiving Day

I would like to wish everybody a Safe & Happy Thanksgiving!

Here is the view of my workbench this morning. You can see an AB pair of CNJ F3’s, a pair of MTH 2-rail conversion trucks that recently came off of an MTH LV Fshbelly Twin, and a pair of spare Weaver AAR Type-B road switcher trucks that I was fitting a set of Protocraft conversion wheelsets into. I need to get these parts/projects back together and off the workbench today.

In the early Fall of 2021, I was sitting with some friends BS’ing about different models that have been released in the past that for whatever reason did not end up on our radar. I mentioned that I wish I had picked up the Atlas-O CNJ F3’s back when they were released. But that was not in the cards for me when they were released. It was joked that it would be easier to build a Time Machine and go back in time and buy them, then to find them in today’s secondary market.

I started looking for them online and at the shows, I listed what I’m looking for on my Interchange Track page. They were around in 3-rail but not as 2-rail models. Then to my surprise one showed up at a Strasburg Show. Then a pair online. Over the last year I have been fortunate to find four CNJ units. I’m still looking for one more CNJ F3A, the details of what I’m now looking for are listed on my Interchange Track.

I was working in the basement this morning on the shelves which are making up the benchwork for the back wall. The parts are stained and about to be assembled. I should have some photos to show the progress soon.

WB: Painting In Good Weather

This is a slightly different Workbench post for me. We have had some very nice weather this Spring, low humidity and warm days. I do have a paint booth, but I prefer to paint outdoors. During the Summer months the humidity in New Jersey can keep me from painting.

This is my simple set up. An old Kitchen cart, my compressor, a tub that holds supplies before painting, an upside down old cookie sheet and a plastic lazy-susan. I use the cookie-sheet when I’ve used some spray on strippers for models. So now it’s just a part of the set-up.

I wheel this out of the garage and set up along side the house. I had used this set-up in the back of the house before but the side gets sunlight longer. I can paint longer into the day.

I start with the model inverted and paint all the surfaces visible for this angle. You can see this covered hopper car sitting on a 5×7 film box. The film box allows me to move the model from the painting area without any trouble. The model is then set out on the back porch to bake a little in the sun.

After about a half hour of baking in the sun, I add a pair of “shop trucks” (in this case partially built Intermountain trucks without wheelsets) and invert the model on the top side of the box.

Once the visible surfaces of the top of the model are painted, I again move the model onto the back porch to bake in the sun. After another hour of baking, they were dry to the touch. They still had some fumes, so I let them set out there until the porch was in shadows.

Below were some of the cars from earlier in the day. I needed to break up all the red being applied with a couple of gray cars. Next up some black cars.

Interchange Track Departing

About twenty years ago I bought this Atlas SW-9. The unit was painted CN&W but I was planning on repainting it. This unit was the first I ever installed a DCC decoder into. I had some track set up in my kitchen in my first house. I used to just like to turn on the locomotive and listen to it idle of the table while I cooked dinner.

The unit was going to be repainted PRR back I first bought it. Never got to that. When the PRR became a secondary modeling focus, I tried to find other uses for this great running locomotive.

You might remember I had posts of it with an MTH SW-1 shell of the drive. Then, I was able to find a brass SW-1 at a Chicago Show. So it started to become an NW-2. I cut up an old All Nation NW-2 shell and fit the hood on the drive.

I finally found an extra old SW-9 shell at another show and put it back together as a SW-9. But it really didn’t fit my model needs for 1952. The Reading did not have SW-9’s until 1956.

The other day it was made ready and moved out onto the modeling interchange track. It shipped out over the weekend on it’s way to a new home. I did enjoy the model, but now I won’t be as tempted to paint it PC and model the early ’70’s.

It wasn’t even on my mind to part with the model. But someone was looking for one, so I thought it be a good reason to stop trying to find something to build it into.

I do want to remind readers that I do put models that no longer fit my modeling focus on my Interchange Track page.

It does create an empty project bin. What will fill that space next?

WB: Drop-In Conversion Parts

“Drop-In Conversion Parts” that is such a nice phrase. It’s not always a reality.

If you read yesterday’s post you know of my troubles installing the NWSL conversion wheelsets into the Atlas O F3B. To recap the back to back of the ridge on the bushings needed to be at least 0.496″.

The NWSL parts had a back to back measurement of 0.488″ – 0.490″.

I know it’s only 0.006″ – 0.008″ difference but that is the difference of them fitting or not.

Time to disassemble the first axel.

This was the before measurement for the bushing.

This is the bushing’s measurement after it went on a diet.

The new back to back measurement. And the most important thing….. They ACTUALLY were a drop-in fit into the grove on the top cover.

After modifying the two axels that didn’t fit, I had to open up the one truck where the axels did fit. I knew they were a very tight fit and just thought they would benefit from also being modified in the same manor.

I am happy to report that this last photo shows all four axels modified and installed. Next time I work on this model, those side frames need to move a lot closer to the wheels, but that is work for another day.

Truth be told, it took about the same amount of time to write this post as it did modify the bushings to make the axels fit properly. So it really wasn’t a big deal at all.

I’m still bothered that the conversion parts did not fit as delivered from NWSL. I’ve been modeling in Proto48 since the early ’90’s, I know there is no instant gratification in Proto48. We have to actually work on our models.

What if I was a newcomer to Proto48, this experience would have been very discouraging. It could have easily made me question if modeling in Proto48 was worth the extra effort. Sometimes the newcomer to Proto48 needs some simple wins to give them the motivation to keep going and try more difficult projects. This type of Proto48 conversion should be one of those simple wins.

Thankfully, the remedy was painless.