I heard from Rich Yoder today, of RY Models. He has just received a second batch of the Proto48 PRR 2D-F8 50 ton planked trucks. They are in stock again and available on his website at $48 per pair.
I picked up some of these trucks the first time he imported them. They sold out fast.
I’ve only seen this production in the photos he sent me today. They arrive with treads polished, trucks blackened ready to install.
I look forward to seeing them in person in a couple of weeks in Chicago.
Protocraft’s number 8 right hand prefab turnout – Photo from Protocraft website
Protocraft’s number 8 left hand prefab turnout – Photo from Protocraft website
I was on the Protocraft site last night and noticed a pair of new prefab turnouts have been added to their line. Protocraft is offering both a left and a right hand turnout built with Parts from John Pautz of American Swith and Signal. The description on the site explains what they are:
Prefabricated turnout ready to install. Compliments Protocraft’s Code 125 flex-track. Built by Brad Strong of Signature Switch Co for Protocraft. Right-O-Way Code 125 rail and highly detailed #8 frog and track parts cast in nickel silver from patterns by John Pautz. $99.95 each, plus shipping.
This is great news for those folks that have thought about modeling in Proto48 but did not want to build their own turnouts. One more excuse not to model in Proto48 removed.
I plan to build my own turnouts. I don’t find it difficult and I enjoy building track. So these turnouts are not a product that I’ve been waiting for. But as a Proto48 modeler, I’m very glad to see them produced.
In my last post “What is Proto48?” I made the following comment:
My modeling belief has always been that no mater what width the gauge, the model should be detailed as accurately as time, prototype information, modeling skills and money permits.
We can all see the improvement of our modeling skills just by looking at some of our old models. While looking at your earlier models can be a nice trip down memory lane, now that the models are to be placed on the layout together with your newer work, some of the warts on the older models might start to show.
I conducted an experiment one night at the club, I placed eight cars in a train. Five of the cars had full brake detail and separate grabs, one car had no brake detail and molded on grabs, the other two were older USH hoppers with their end exposing that they only had the three brake appliances with no piping between them. They were all nicely painted and weathered. I ran them on the layout for a while, everybody who saw the train run thought all the cars were super-detailed. So what does this mean? Most people don’t look carefully enough? Does it mean we don’t need to model these features? It means you need to model to the level that makes you happy and not worry if it’s up to someone else’s standards.
Realize these are my standards that I’m shooting for, not anybody else’s, just mine. Not a Proto48 standard, just a George Standard. For new models, it will set the bench mark for the level of accuracy and detail required. For the older ones, some upgrades might be in order. Of coarse this is a changing list as new products development can bring new levels of detail or realism.
Here is what I have so far:
Prototype of model included in my January 1952 ORER
Painted as the car would have looked in the Summer of 1952
Weathering applied to car for the Summer of 1952
Models to be detailed for the Summer of 1952
Reweigh Dates to comply with Rule 11 AAR Code of Car Service Rules
Brake Equipment and Rigging
Wheels and trucks to comply with NMRA Proto48 specs
Polished tire treads
Weight standards
Kadee couplers, correct height, without trip pins
Prototype of model included in my January 1952 ORER My modeling is set in the Summer of 1952. I arrived at this date because of a couple of reasons. First the major classes of Steam locomotives I wanted to model, K1, N1 and T-1’s were all still running at this time. Also, this was the last Summer that the Reading G-3’s ran on passenger trains in Pennsylvania. At a point in the early Fall they were all shipped over to the PRSL in South Jersey to finish out their service lives. They were replaced with the new GP-7’s that arrived that Summer. Since I acquired a nice SGL G-3 in my trades of surplus PRR models, I’d like to see it pulling my passenger trains.
Painted as the car would have looked in the Summer of 1952 Rather self explanatory but it has meant the selling of some finished models which were painted in paint schemes from 1954. I know I could have stripped the cars and repainted, but it has been easier to sell off the finished cars and buy new unpainted cars. Besides I hate stripping paint off cars.
Weathering applied to car for 1952 Again, a simple idea but think if a car was built in 1952, it’s going to be very clean. Most often we weather the cars too heavy because that’s how we remember them last in the 70’s ready for scrap. On locomotives, the AS-16’s are less than a year old and the DB equipped AS-16’s started arriving in June 1952, they are less than a moth old.
Models to be detailed for 1952 These types of dated details weather they are paint details or appliance details for the equipment help set the time period. Some examples are, the safety grabs on the noses of the EMD F-units. They were changing throughout the 1950’s. They went from not there at first to some there and painted black, more applied and painted yellow.
Reweigh Dates to comply with Rule 11 AAR Code of Car Service Rules These can be found in the ORER’s. I’ve been modeling these since before my club days. They govern how often a cars light weight had to be weighed. Tony Thompson wrote an article in the April 2011 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman (RMC) which he talks about on his blog. He explains the rules well in the article.
Since my modeling efforts prior to this had been set in 1956, this has required the changing of almost all the reweigh dates on my cars.
Brake Equipment and Rigging With my first models, I was happy just to have something under the car. The major appliances were enough. Then I saw what could be done. Full brake piping with equipment positioned as per the prototype. It really does not take too long to build and really sets off the models.
Wheels and Trucks to comply with NMRA Proto48 specs Good running equipment is the difference between having fun operating on the layout or having to force yourself to work on the layout. Good running equipment requires that all specifications for wheels and track are within the NMRA standards.
Polished Tire Treads I always liked the look when I saw other modelers do this. Once I did this to a few of the trucks, I wanted to do this to all of them. I’m not sure if I will have any issue of the treads rusting in the South Jersey humidity. If they start then maybe they just need to be rolled on the layout more.
Weight Standards I’ve always thought the NMRA weight standards were a little on the heavy side. Since I’m running some very heavy diecast hoppers. I can’t have the cars too underweight and still expect them to operate without trouble.
Kadee Couplers, Correct Height, Without Trip Pins The Kadee 700 series couplers are my standard. Most of my models are equipped with the older version with the spring on the outside. A little paint and the spring disappears. When I work on an existing car, I am changing them out for the new couplers. I’ve tried Protocraft couplers, they are beautiful and work nicely. They just aren’t for me.
Air Hoses Air Hoses are on the standards list since all the prototype cars had them and not all the models that have been made over the years have had them.
I tried the magnetic working air hoses that Ben Brown wrote an article about in the Jan/Feb 20009 issue of O Scale Trains explaining how he made working air hoses. I got the air lines to work but I found it to just be an extra point of frustration. They are nice when they work.
All that being said, these are MY standards. They are not meant to be anybody else’s standards. Nor are anybody else’s standards meant to be mine. We are all supposed to be having fun after all.
What is Proto48? That question has been a topic of debate with Proto48 modelers for a number of years. Basically there are two schools of thought on the matter. The one thought is that it is just a set of standards to correct the gauge mistake in O scale and also make the wheels close to the prototype in size. The other side of the debate thinks it’s more than just gauge, it’s really about finescale modeling throughout the model. Usually when one of these debates rise up it ends up in some foul words being exchanged, some hurt feelings and a few PO folks. None of this is good for anybody.
Lets step back and take a look at the history of Proto48. It has it’s origins in trying to make the gauge and wheel width more accurately depict the prototype. A very nice history of Proto48 is presented well on the Proto48.org website. But one could also argue that it was understood that these guys were modeling to finescale standards with the rest of their models, they just got tired of placing out of scale trucks on their models.
Some of my Reading open hoppers that I displayed at the RPM meet.
My Experience with Proto48 I am proud to be called a rivet counter. I actually have counted rivets on my models and on the prototype drawings I have done for RMC. When I first converted to 1/4 inch modeling, the realization that my models had trucks with the incorrect gauge bothered me. Then I heard about Proto48, and I had to be a part of it.
After more than ten years of happy Proto48 modeling, I made the well meaning mistake of joining a local model railroad club. Their pushing and prodding convinced me to “just change out my trucks” on my proto48 models and “I could run my models on their layout.”
My model railroad club experience has given me a lot of things (not all good). For this conversation, let’s just say it made me realize that I was not happy with my same models when they had O scale trucks under them. Even though my models had the same level of detail (because they were actually the same models). I was not satisfied with their appearance. I responded better to them with Proto48 trucks under them. After leaving the club, it did take me a few years to figure this out.
Modeling in regular O scale is much easier than modeling Proto48.Open the box and place the model on the rails. Instant gratification at it’s best. You don’t have to convert, upgrade or do anything to your models. Or do you?
I started measuring and comparing the models being produced against the NMRA Standards. I found out that not every manufacturer builds their models to the same set of standards. Once I began to see that almost none of the models were within all the NMRA Standards and that they needed to be modified anyway, it made even more sense to model in Proto48 again.
Matt Forsyth’s SFRD RR-21 Steel Reefer as displayed at an RPM in Malvern, PA.
Which Proto48 Camp Am I In? I always believed I fell close to gauge side of the debate. I guess that had more to do with hearing guys quote Proto48 standards for one thing or another to manufacturers. None of these “quoted standards” existed. Only the “Gauge and Wheel Standards” exist. So I took more of the stand that Proto48 is just a wheel and track standard and a lot of ego thrown in also.
As I continue to focus my efforts to model the Reading, I’m finding that I’m beginning to lean to the finescale side of the fence. My modeling belief has always been that no mater what the width the gauge, the model should be detailed as accurately as time, prototype information, modeling skills and money permits.
The NMRA Proto48 standards are just a set of track and wheel standards. Modeling in Proto48 has opened my eyes to what I thought O Scale could and should be when I first converted to the scale. It has to do with making every detail as accurate and well as you can. That means research of the prototype, mastering new modeling techniques and generally just pushing your modeling skills beyond their current limits.
A wonderful scene on Warner Clark’s layout.
Is Proto48 Just a Set of Track Standards or Is Proto48 Finescale Modeling? I don’t think the modelers on either side of the debate are wrong. What we have are just different approaches to modeling. The choices a modeler makes about the detail level of their models does have an effect on choices available for their layout. But these modeling choices are personal choices, and not a mandate of Proto48.
For me, I can model in Proto48 without modeling to finescale standards. I have found out that I can’t model to finescale standards without modeling in Proto48.
Machining the two new bolsters which have been soldered together
I was able to line up a trade of some surplus PRR equipment for a SGL Reading G3 Pacific. These models came out in 2002. They are nice models but rather lightly detailed. The Reading Modeler dose not have a lot of choices in mass produced steam locomotive models like some other roads have.
I had earlier taken apart the tender trucks to check out their design. It used a flat brass stamping as the bolster attached by screws into cast brass truck side frames. I test fit a set of Protocraft 36 inch wheel sets into the side frames to see if the axle ends would fit into the journal tubes on the side frames. They fit nicely into the side frame but not while the stock bolsters were in place. I measured the distance between the side frames without a bolster in place to get the length of the new bolsters that had to be made.
I purchased some K&S stock at my LHS which was just about the correct width and the same thickness of the old bolster.
I started by cutting two pieces of brass from the stock a little longer than the old bolsters. I soldered them together so that they could be machined at the same time. I placed the two pieces now soldered together into my milling vise. First I squared up the sides and ends. Then I machined them to the correct width. I marked the location of the holes based on the old bolster locations. The holes were drilled and tapped for 2-56 screws.
After the conversion, the old bolster and one O scale wheelsets in front of the two trucks.
Here we see the trucks reassembled. As I first stated these are a basic design. If a similar truck is ever produced in Proto48, I would love to an upgrade these trucks. Until then these will do.
Here is the Tender for the G3 after the conversion
The reassembled trucks were placed back under the tender using the original screws. Not that bad looking after they are placed under the tender. All in all not too rough to convert, next comes the locomotive.
Prototype History
Most modelers are familiar with the USRA 55-ton Twin open hopper. In O scale we have been blessed with the Intermountain USRA Twin as well as a number of brass versions over the years. What is not well known is that the USRA developed some designs for freight cars that were never built during the period of their control of the railroads, but some designs were built from afterwards. One example would be the NYC USRA designed Steel boxcar, another would be the 42′ Flat car that Red Caboose modeled.
RY Models has produced one of those USRA non-built designs, the USRA 70-ton triple.
Standard Steel Car Company builders photo
Between 1922 and 1927, the C&O, New York Central, P&LE, PMcK&Y and Virginian Railroads adopted the USRA design and had cars built by Standard Steel Car Company (SSC), Pressed Steel Car Company(PSC), Richmond Car Works (RCW) and the American Car and Foundry Company (AC&F).
As built, the cars had a shallow center hopper, often referred to as a “clamshell” hopper. The cars went through different changes during their service life. Some of those changes included C&O cars being rebuilt with panel sides to try to increase the cubic capacity of the cars, some were rebuilt into covered hopper cars and all had their center “clamshell” hopper replaced with a regular saw-tooth hopper between 1939-1942.
Photos show different trucks under the cars, C&O were delivered with a 70-ton USRA style Andrews. The NYC and P&LE cars have been photographed with Keystone Trucks and also Verona trucks.
The C&O cars were built with a heap shields on the ends of the cars. There is an article on these cars with an as-built drawing of the cars in the July 2004 issue of Mainline modeler. The C&O rebuilt their cars starting in 1932 with panel sides. When completed the newly-rebuilt cars received a “1” was added in front of the original number to create a new number series. The cars were later rebuilt back to straight sides in later rebuilds.
The C&O rebuilt a total of 125 of the cars into covered hopper cars in 1938-1939. There is an article in Mainline Modeler October 2004 with drawings and very nice photographs of the cars as rebuilt and in service. There is also a pair of nice images of the open hoppers in this article.
The NYC, P&LE and PMcK&Y cars had their center hopper rebuilt over a period from 1939-1942. As they did their cubic capacity increased from 2508 to 2518. While that is not a big increase, it does give us a piece of data that can be tracked in the ORER’s so that we have an idea of the progress of the conversions. The cars were later rebuilt with AB Brakes.
A pair of N1’s shove on a NYC USRA triple approaching Tamaqua Tunnel.
The Virginian cars went through some changes also. From 1924-1937 they were as-built with a clamshell middle hopper, K brakes and a vertical brake wheel and staff. From 1937-1947 they had their center hopper rebuilt, they kept their K brakes but the verticle brake staff was replaced with a power brake housing. From 1947-1959 they were rebuilt into their final configuration with AB Brakes. The Tennessee Central purchased 24 cars that had been retired from the Virginian.
NYC 915709 with Keystone trucks – photo from RY Models Website
Roster of USRA 70 Ton Triple Hoppers Built
Road Numbers
C&O 73000-73999
C&O 74000-74999
C&O 75000-75999
C&O 76000-76999
The Models
Since the NYC was a major interchange partner with the Reading Company at Newberry Yard in Williamsport, PA, I was excited when RY Models first announced they were going to produce the USRA 70-ton triple hopper. The January 1952 ORER lists a total of 33,936 open hopper cars on the NYC. Of those, 8846 (26%) were the USRA 70-ton triple. P&LE had 6255 cars listed and 3246 were the USRA triples or should we say, 51.9% of the total hopper cars on the roster. That being said, I needed some for the layout.
RY Models showed a pair of painted pilot models at last year’s O Scale National. I thought they looked nice then, I was pleased with the final results of the production run.
The cars came painted and lettered. The paint is nice and the lettering looks good. My models had the correct NYC lot numbers for the car numbers.
When I measured the models and checked them against the published drawings for these cars. They were spot on.
I’m modeling in1952 so, I bought all later cars with AB Brakes. I did have a question because the as-built versions should have two cross members inside the cars towards the ends. My later cars did not, but I could not locate any interior shots of the cars to know if the prototype had them later or not.
I am very pleased with my NYC and P&LE cars. Now they need some weathering.
Mainline Modeler, July 2004, October 2004, August 1988 (panel side rebuild drawing)
Information Sheet by Larry Klien on the NYC, P&LE and PMcK&Y cars
Information Sheet by Steve Summers on the Virginian H-5 Online listing of NYC Classes
With the release of the USRA 70 Ton Triples from RY Models, Rich also introduced a new Proto48/O Scale truck. The Keystone 70-ton pedestal-type side frames truck, which was built by American Steel Foundries (A.S.F.). They appear in photographs of the of The USRA cars throughout most of their lives.
The new truck was produced in Proto48 and O Scale and is available on the new USRA 70 ton cars and as a seperate item. The trucks are available from RY Models for $42.00 per pair. http://www.richyodermodels.com/rym-o-scale-trucks.htm
I received these trucks under my hopper cars and also purchased a couple of pairs to go under a pair of cars I have been kit-bashing from the IM USRA Twins which will rerepresent the spot-repaired cars the NYC rostered later in their service lives.
NYC 915709 – photo from RY Models Website
The photo shows an NYC triple after being rebuilt with a center saw-tooth hopper and you can clearly see the Keystone Truck under the car. The website also shows them under C&O, P&LE, PMcK&Y and Virginian hoppers.
NMRA Proto48 Specification:
I measured the trucks and find that they are within NMRA spec. Here are the measurements and I’ve added their measurements to the NMRA S-4.1 Proto48 Wheel Standards
Check Gauge
Back to Back
Wheel Width
Flange Width
Flange Depth
Specification Range
RY Models 70 ton Keystone truck
double insulated axles
Plus and Minus… Opinions:
On the plus-side: The trucks measured up fine against the NMRA Specification and the track fine under the cars. The trucks do look very nice, they capture the look of the prototype based on the photo I’ve seen.
On the minus-side: They do look slightly compressed (width wise) at the spring area, the photos show a wider three spring front face, as typical with 70 ton trucks of the time. The model has the center spring slightly recessed, almost like the difference between a 70-ton and a 50-ton truck.
Another issue with most RY Models trucks is that they do not have any casting information on the side frames. You know, the cool looking letters on the side frames that in O scale you can actually read. But being able to read them is part of the problem also, what should it say? I know Rich has wanted to model this information in the past and has reached out to a number of freight car experts seeking out this information with varied success. I know first-hand that rather than guess or put the wrong information there he has chosen to not include it.
Overall: The minuses have not held me back from purchasing these trucks. I look forward to their use under my hopper cars for many years to come.
I’m very glad to see a new freight car truck on the Proto48/O scale market.
Description: I have to say that one of the highlights of the National was getting to see, in person, a pair of Protocraft’s 41-N passenger trucks. These are a work of art.
I talked to the man from Wasatch Model Company, who imported them for Protocraft. These trucks are made by the same builder that does the fine line of Wasatch O scale trucks. I began to realize, I need to make the purchase of these trucks sooner than later. As with everything O scale, buy them when they are around, they may not be run again, and they almost always will never be the same price the next time around.
I have seven of the SGL cars, which I found at a very good price without a box about a year ago. Who needs the box anyway? They started out as a three rail cars, SGL imported both. From what I’ve read about the cars, the two version were the same except for the trucks and couplers.
So when I got home from the National, I ordered the seven pairs I needed to convert my cars. They arrived on Saturday. WOW! This is the detail level that I got into O scale for back in the 80’s.
I set a pair under one of the passenger cars today and the car sat a little high. I think a little work to the bolster and they will sit exactly where the railroad wanted them too. Now I just have to dig out the Reading Company diagrams for these cars, to know the correct height they need to be at.
NMRA Proto48 Specification:
I measured the trucks and find that they are within NMRA spec. Here are the measurements and I’ve added their measurements to the NMRA S-4.1 Proto48 Wheel Standards
Check Gauge
Back to Back
Wheel Width
Flange Width
Flange Depth
Specification Range
1.124 1.134
1.100 1.112
0.115 0.120
0.024 0.028
0.022 0.026
Protocraft General Casting Corp’s 41-N passenger truck, double insulated axles
Plus and Minus… Opinions:On the plus-side:
WOW! Lots of WOW factor!
They are a Museum level model all by themselves.
The trucks measured up fine against the NMRA Specification.
To say they roll well is a bit of an understatement.
The trucks do look very nice, they capture the look of the prototype based on the photos and drawings I’ve seen.
On the minus-side:
Some day I may think of a minus for these trucks….
Only thing I can say is that when they run out at Protocraft, Norm has stated that they may not be run again. If they are, they will never be priced this low again.
If you are running this style of Passenger truck on your equipment, buy these trucks. You will not be sorry.