I was reading Trevor Marshall’s Port Rowan in 1:64 site about a week ago. He had a post talking about how the Complete Collection of Mainline Modeler was being released on DVD through the C&O Historical Society.
This is great news. I’ve always liked Mainline Modeler and really miss it since it stopped production. My collection was missing about 40 issues, mostly from the late 80’s. It is the last magazine that I have been keeping, both my MR’s and RMC issues have been cut and I’m just saving some articles and drawings. But this will free up almost nine feet of shelf space taken up by the back issues. I had to order the DVD.
It came in this past Friday and I think it’s great. The scans are much better than other magazines that have been digitized in the past and the files are PDF’s so they are very easy to read.
My only real complaint is that the center spread drawings are done as multiple page scans. Which is not the best to try to print out and use to build something from. So on potential projects where I have the back issue, I’ll save the printed version of the drawings.
It’s a little pricey at $249 for non C&O Historical Society members, but the information is priceless. And it’s so much easier to store than all the old magazines.
C&O Historical Society’s Mainline Modeler order page.
Image from the C&O Historical Society page.