Inexpensive Proto48 Truck Options

Two Intermountain/Protocraft and one Red Caboose/NWSL trucks
Two Intermountain/Protocraft and one Red Caboose/NWSL trucks

Protocraft and RY Models have imported some great Proto48 trucks. I like them a lot and I use them under a lot of my freight cars. We need a lot more types of trucks to start to get close to the variety of trucks the prototype had.

I can’t afford to place them under all my cars, maybe if I hit the lottery. I have been using two different manufacturers types of O scale trucks converted to Proto48 under a number of my cars.

Intermountain/Protocraft  truck with 33" wheelsets.
Intermountain/Protocraft truck with 33″ wheelsets.

Intermountain/Protocraft Truck
What a great truck! When you combine the Intermountain truck with their metal wheelsets, it is one of the best rolling O Scale trucks available. But what about Proto48?

Some Protocraft wheelsets will fit into the trucks without any trouble. I mostly have used the 33″ 50-ton, ARA “D” rated axle, double insulated, one wear tread. Some need to have the bluntness filed off the end of the axle to let them fit.

The protocraft wheelset with the tips of the axels filed. You can hardly see it.
The protocraft wheelset with the tips of the axels filed. You can hardly see it.
Intermountain/Protocraft truck combination with 33" Rib-back wheelsets.
Intermountain/Protocraft truck combination with 33″ Rib-back wheelsets.

I have also tried the 33″ double-insulated rib-back wheelset in the IM truck. They fit and roll nicely but have a little side-to-side play. I’m not totally sold on them yet. I am testing them under a model currently.

Caboose/NWSL trucks
Caboose/NWSL trucks

Red Caboose/NWSL Truck
Many O Scale modelers will complain to you, these trucks don’t have the same axle length as the IM trucks. That is actually better for the Proto48 conversion, the NWSL Proto48 wheelsets drop right in and roll great with their pointed axle on Delrin truck side frames. Red Caboose had a Bettendorf and a T-section Bettendorf truck available.

NMRA Proto48 Specification
I measured the wheelsets and find the Protocraft wheelsets are within NMRA spec. Here are the measurements and the measurements are displayed on the NMRA S-4.1 Proto48 Wheel Standards page.

 Check GaugeBack to BackWheel Width Flange WidthFlange Depth
Specification Range1.124
NWSL 33″ Freight Wheelsets
(no backside wheel detail)
Protocraft 33″ rib-back wheelset
double insulated axles
Protocraft 33″ 50-ton ARA “D” rated axle
double insulated, one wear tread

Plus and Minus… Opinions
On the plus-side:

  • The biggest PLUS I can say about these is they are inexpensive.
  • The trucks roll great!
  • The trucks do look very nice even without all the brake detail.
  • Both have casting marks on the trucks side frames.
  • I already had these trucks on the shelf.
  • There is no issue with shorting on metal cars because the trucks are plastic.

On the minus-side:

  • The NWSL wheelsets are not always 100% within NMRA spec.
  • The NWSL wheelsets do not have backside detail on the wheels.
  • Both the IM/PC and the RC/NWSL have very little back of journal detail.
  • I hate assembling the Red Caboose trucks. I have never been good at inserting them damn springs.
  • The Protocraft Rib-Back wheelset does have a little side to side play when installed in an IM Truck.
  • Some Protocraft wheelsets need a small point (not really a point as much as knocking off the blunt end of the axle) filed onto the axle.
A small pile of Intermountain trucks waiting for me to order more Protocraft wheelsets.
A small pile of Intermountain trucks waiting for me to order more Protocraft wheelsets.

Overall: The minuses have not held me back from using these trucks for my Proto48 conversions. The cost savings can be even higher if you find some NWSL wheelsets at very low prices at the train shows, since a lot of Proto48 guys dismiss the NWSL wheelsets.

The Red Caboose/NWSL is my standard truck under my converted Lionel Offsets Twins, which currently numbers about 35 cars. The trucks do not have any brake detail at all and the NWSL wheelsets do not have backside of wheel detail either. But they are an inexpensive way to have a great rolling truck. And I feel that is more important under such a heavy car as the Lionel Offset Twin.

The Intermountain Truck was included in every kit they produced. So most O scale modelers should have a good supply on hand from that alone. I was also able to buy 50 pair of trucks for a special price from a local vendor. When combined with the Protocraft Bulk Wheelset Price, it puts the price per truck under $17 each. Compare that to the $52 dollar price for imported trucks. That kind of savings adds up quickly if your freight car fleet is larger than a dozen cars.

Don’t get me wrong, the current imported Proto48 trucks are great! We need more varieties of them. I try to support our Proto48 truck suppliers with my purchases almost every train show I attend. These two truck options help keep the costs of modeling in Proto48 down some. They also provide an easy way for new Proto48 modelers to try proto48 out and see if it is for them.

SGL Reading G-3 Tender Conversion

Machining the two new bolsters which have been soldered together

Machining the two new bolsters which have been soldered together

I was able to line up a trade of some surplus PRR equipment for a SGL Reading G3 Pacific. These models came out in 2002. They are nice models but rather lightly detailed. The Reading Modeler dose not have a lot of choices in mass produced steam locomotive models like some other roads have.

I had earlier taken apart the tender trucks to check out their design. It used a flat brass stamping as the bolster attached by screws into cast brass truck side frames. I test fit a set of Protocraft 36 inch wheel sets into the side frames to see if the axle ends would fit into the journal tubes on the side frames. They fit nicely into the side frame but not while the stock bolsters were in place. I measured the distance between the side frames without a bolster in place to get the length of the new bolsters that had to be made.

I purchased some K&S stock at my LHS which was just about the correct width and the same thickness of the old bolster.

I started by cutting two pieces of brass from the stock a little longer than the old bolsters. I soldered them together so that they could be machined at the same time. I placed the two pieces now soldered together into my milling vise. First I squared up the sides and ends. Then I machined them to the correct width. I marked the location of the holes based on the old bolster locations. The holes were drilled and tapped for 2-56 screws.

After the conversion, the old bolster and one O scale wheelsets in front of the two trucks.

After the conversion, the old bolster and one O scale wheelsets in front of the two trucks.

Here we see the trucks reassembled. As I first stated these are a basic design. If a similar truck is ever produced in Proto48, I would love to an upgrade these trucks. Until then these will do.

Here is the Tender for the G3 after the conversion

Here is the Tender for the G3 after the conversion

The reassembled trucks were placed back under the tender using the original screws. Not that bad looking after they are placed under the tender. All in all not too rough to convert, next comes the locomotive.

Times are Changing… Again

Will we miss the bottle of Fluquil and Polyscale on the left? Maybe not with three bottle of P-B-L Star Brand, two bottles of Scalecoat II, three bottles of Tru-Color on the right to work with. But the Greg Komar Dry Transfers in front, will be missed!.
Will we miss the bottle of Fluquil and Polyscale on the left?
Maybe not I’ve been testing P-B-L Star Brand, Scalecoat II, and Tru-Color.
But the Greg Komar Dry Transfers in front, will be missed!.

Back around the end of May there was a panic go through the model railroad boards and blogs. Testors announced it was ceasing production of Floquil, Pollyscale, Model Masters and other hobby related paints. Now this in itself is not great news for the hobby, but it’s just a small part of the changing of the hobby. I read on a number of other blogs that some guys ran out and bought their favorite colors out at their local hobby shops. That’s great! Only if they had been doing that all along Testors would have seen enough sales to keep the products alive.

Some blamed it on the hobby changing from kit building to buying R-T-R models, or that we have less hobby time in our busy lives. The focus of the model rail press now is towards more realistic operations and layouts. While realistic models are now not talked about how to kitbash a certain type of model, there is more talk about what proportions of different R-T-R models should be bought.

The hobby has changed since I built my first kit back in grade school. For me, building models, is still one of my favorite parts of the hobby. Part of building them is painting them. So this news should have really sent me into a panic, but it didn’t. It just means I’ll have to look for other paint alternatives. Truth is, I have a lot of Floquil and Pollyscale on hand. I don’t really like it. I end up using it more for weathering as it goes on so flat.

If you are in a panic over the loss of Floquil, Microscale has produce a page with some possible alternatives.

My last few of projects I’ve tried Scalecoat II, P-B-L Star Brand and Tru-Color Paint. I’ve already made the switch away from Floquil anyway.

What really has bothered me is that Greg Komar announced he is only taking orders for his fantastic dry transfers until the end of the June. I really do like his dry transfers, I’ve used them on a number of projects. The hobby is loosing another quality manufacturer! I placed a final order with Greg this weekend. It was tough to look at his catalog and think what projects might I want to do in the future and how many more sets do I need for the rest of my modeling life.

In Memoriam: Joe Giannovario

 Joe Giannovario and Larry Kline talking at the 2012 RPM Meet in Malvern, PA.
Joe Giannovario and Larry Kline talking at the 2012 RPM Meet in Malvern, PA.

I got a call today from a friend who told me that Joe Giannovario had lost his battle with Lung Cancer. As I went onto my computer to read more about this, an email from the P48 board from Gene Deimling arrived with the same sad news. My thoughts and prayers go out to Joe’s family.

Today has brought back memories of the first time I met Joe just before he released his magazine. We had a small group of local modelers that got together every couple of months to show each other our current projects. John Dunn brought Joe to one of those gatherings. Joe fit right in showing us all a recent scratch built N&W hopper car project.

Most people will remember Joe from the shows, he went to almost all of them promoting O scale 2-rail and his magazine. I’ll remember the smile he always had for you when he greeted at those shows.

RY Models NEW 50-ton PRR 2D-F8 Truck

RY Models New PRR 2D-F8 50 ton truck - Side View

RY Models New PRR 2D-F8 50 ton truck – Side View

RY Models New PRR 2D-F8 50 ton truck -  Top View

RY Models New PRR 2D-F8 50 ton truck – Top View

Imported By: RY Models
MSRP 04/2013 $48.00/pr.

The PRR’s 2D-F8 50 ton truck began production in the 1920’s. It was placed under many of the road’s signature freight cars like the FM, GLa, and X29. PRR documents have the truck listed on the following classes: FM, GLa, GLb, GLc, GLe, GLf, GLg, GP, GPa, GR, GRa, GS, GSa, GSc, GSd, H22, K7, K8, U6, XL, XLa, XLc, X23, X23a, X23b, X24, X25, X25a, X25b, X25c, X25d, X28a, X29, X29a, X30.

Diagram of the 2D-F8

The truck design did evolve over the years, the original design from the 1920’s had a riveted bolster. As casting improved in the 1930’s this was replaced with a cast bolster on new trucks. I have not seen any numbers for how many of each existed, or if the cast bolster was used as a replacement for the riveted bolster. Only that 2D-F8 trucks produced later in the 1930’s used a cast bolster. The trucks lasted in revenue service for more than fifty years.

PRR 2D-F8 50 ton truck photo from the RY Models website

PRR 2D-F8 50 ton truck photo from the RY Models website

The Proto48/O scale market has been asking for the PRR 2D-F8 trucks for a very long time. Other manufactures have promised to produce the 2D-F8 for a long time and nothing is on the market. I remember seeing early test shots from one manufacturer over 10 years ago. They still have not released a product to the public.

RY Models did produce the truck and the Proto48/O Scale market responded by selling out the first run of the trucks. If you didn’t pre-order you most likely missed this one.

The RY Models truck has is of the original riveted bolster. It scales very close to the PRR diagrams. The trucks have full brake detail.

The trucks were available from RY Models for $48.00 per pair. They are taking reservations for the next run of trucks.

RY Models New PRR 2D-F8 50 ton truck

RY Models New PRR 2D-F8 50 ton truck

NMRA Proto48 Specification:
I measured the trucks and find that they are within NMRA spec. Here are the measurements and I’ve added their measurements to the NMRA S-4.1 Proto48 Wheel Standards

Check Gauge Back to Back Wheel Width Flange Width Flange Depth
Specification Range 1.124
RY Models
50-ton PRR 2D-F8

double insulated axles
1.131 1.110 0.115 0.027 0.025

Plus and Minus… Opinions:

On the plus-side:

  • The biggest PLUS I can say about the RY Models 2D-F8 trucks is that they are here!

    And I am placing them under my freight cars TODAY!

  • The trucks measured up fine against the NMRA Specification.
  • To say they roll well is a bit of an understatement. They gave me fits when trying to photograph them.
  • The trucks do look very nice, they capture the look of the prototype based on the photos and drawings I’ve seen.

On the minus-side:

  • An issue with most RY Models trucks is that they do not have any casting information on the side frames. I’ve mentioned this before.
  • The plastic insulators between the axle and the wheel are a little large sticking out the back of the wheels. (I plan to trim mine a little)

Overall: The minuses have not held me back from purchasing these trucks. I look forward to their use under my PRR freight cars for many years to come.

I’m very glad to see more new freight car trucks on the Proto48/O scale market.


2013 Strasburg O Scale Show – April


On Saturday, I attended this Spring’s Strasburg O Scale show.

John Dunn and Rich Yoder did a fine job of putting on this show. The attendance was crowded enough to make you think the isles were smaller this year. I was glad to see it. Plenty of new and second hand O scale models were on the tables.

Carl Jackson made the trip from Indianapolis, IN and Norm Pullen from Norm’s O Scale Trains made it down from Maine. Nice to see these vendors making the trip to Strasburg.

There were some new products at the show. Tom Thorpe was showing more examples of the turnouts he is promoting. They looked very nice. I was told of a couple of pilot models being in the room, but I was running my mouth too much to get to see them or get any images.

Rich Yoder did have his long awaited PRR 2D-F8 trucks at his table. The first run of these are sold out. I will have a post on them in the next couple of days.


2013 Chicago O Scale Show – The Model Contest

Lee Turner's RS-3

Lee Turner’s RS-3

This year I actually took the time to find the model contest room. I’m glad I did.

I’ve seen photos of Lee Turner’s LV RS-3 online before. Seeing the model in real life was even better then seeing the photos.

The modeling displayed in the room was fantastic! Because of the contest the names were not displayed with the models. In some cases I knew the models and who built them.

I would have liked to known who did some of the work. I guess I’m spoiled by the RPM-Meets were the modelers show their work with their names displayed and are there to talk about the models also.

Details on Lee Turner's RS-3

Details on Lee Turner’s RS-3


Lucus Bartig’s Scratchbuilt Frisco 2-10-0

car float

Scratchbuilt car float


Car float close-up


Close up of the car float details


First of a couple of snow plows


Second snow plow in a more natural setting


Jim Zwerneman’s MKT 77889 Scratchbuilt from Styrene, sides are individual boards with built up “z” Braces.Ends are from Southern Car & Foundry. Center sill, bolsters and draft gear are leftover parts form a Chooch Kit. Trucks are Yoder Proto48. Protocraft and Blalock decals were used.


Jim Zwerneman’s MKT 77889, good view of the scratchbuilt Hutchins dry lading roof.


David Friedlander’s NYC Transfer caboose built from a Russ Briggs Kit.



2013 Chicago O Scale Show – News


Protocraft’s new boxcar offering.

As mentioned in the first post about the Chicago Show, Protocraft announced their next brass imported freight car. It is a 40 foot double door boxcar. I believe he mentioned this first offering is ACL prototype. They plan to do a number of different prototypes over the next few months. He did mention that the roller bearing trucks he imported were not going to be run again. So if you want these trucks in O scale or Proto48 buy them now before they are gone.

I also mentioned that American Switch & Signal had new Proto48 casting for a #12 turnout in code 125 rail. It was nice looking, I wish I had the room for them on my layout.

RY Models had their recent offerings of the ATSF BX3 and BX6 on display. They are sold out, but Rich was taking reservations on a short re-run of the cars. In his sales sheet on the table he mentioned the Bethlehem 52′ 70 ton Mill gondola and the PRR X37 family of boxcars. If you look closely at the photo in the first Chicago posts Rich had a pile of freight car photos, the ones I saw were of Mather prototypes.

Bob Lavezzi had a pilot model of a new steam locomotive from Weaver Models on his table. The model displayed was a three rail version of the model.

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4  4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4 4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4  4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4 4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4  4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4 4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4  4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4 4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4  4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4 4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4  4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4 4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4  4-6-2

Weaver Boston & Maine P-4 4-6-2

Rails Unlimited had their new Lehigh Valley Boxcar available at the show. They are available as either a flat kit ($85.00) or a built up body ($115.00). There is also a decal set available ($9.95) for the cars. Ted was also displaying two new resin cars, a Milwaukee Road Single sheathed boxcar and a Wabash single sheathed boxcar.

Rails Unlimited LV "Wrong-way" Boxcar.

Rails Unlimited LV “Wrong-way” Boxcar.

The LV Underbody.

The LV Duryea Cushion Underframe.

Rails Unlimited next models

Rails Unlimited next models

Keystone Models was also at the show and they had their last model produced on display. It’s the PRR H21a with “clam-shell” doors.

Keystone Models last offering the H21a's with the "clam-shell" hoppers.

Keystone Models last offering the H21a’s with the “clam-shell” hoppers.

Jim Harper of Red Cliff Miniatures had samples of his line of track components including his new switch stands.


Operating Switch Stand available from Red Cliff Miniatures


Non-Operating Switch Stand available from Red Cliff Miniatures

Strange to have an example of a NEW Lionel car at the show getting a lot of attention. Their new Automobile cars are a sight to see in person. I’m glad these cars are not in my modeling period, they looked great.

chicago-dsc_1205 chicago-dsc_1206

2013 Chicago O Scale Show

Photos just don’t capture how big the selling floor really is.

This was my second time attending the Chicago O Scale Show. The first time I attended the show, two years ago, it was great. This time was even better!

Wow! Mike Hill and his helpers did a great job with this show!

Even the 1700 mile round trip drive is worth it to go this show!

I attended the different meetings, sat in on a clinic, visited a couple of layouts and I even got to see the models in the contest room this time. It was a very busy couple of days.

The Crowd at the Proto48 Meeting

The Crowd at the Proto48 Meeting

There were two meetings held during the show, The Proto48 on Friday night and the O Scale Kings on Saturday morning. There was over 80 people at the Proto48 meeting, I wonder how many were actually Proto48’ers? The Proto48 meeting was hosted by Jim Canter and Paul Hanson.  Different manufacturers spoke to the audience:

  • Jim Canter of Canter Rail Services demonstrated his tie strips, he also mentioned that they are looking into bringing back his track templates.
  • Jim Harper of Red Cliff Miniatures spoke to the crowd about his line of track components including his new operating switch stands.
  • John Paultz of American Switch & Signal spoke and announced a new turnout kit for a #12 turnout.
  • Norm Buckhart of Protocraft announced several new offerings, first was a new model of a 40′ double door boxcar. Their Clouser Type “E” coupler is being revised and going to be imported assembled. Norm showed off a new 2 3/4 inch speaker and also spoke about his modified Tsunami decoders. He did announce a couple of new trucks in the works and that the 70 and 100ton Roller Bearing trucks will not be re-run.
  • Ken Burney of WK Burney Scale Models announced a line of cast structures based on typical southern buildings.
  • Rich Yoder of RY Models also spoke. He thanked the Proto48 crowd for their support of his products over the years. He also promoted the Strasburg O Scale Shows.

The crowd at the O Scale Kings Meeting

The crowd at the O Scale Kings Meeting

The next morning the O Scale Kings held their meeting. Bob Lavezzi chaired this meeting. Maybe it was the early hour of the meeting or maybe people had nothing to do the night before during the Proto48 Meeting, but there was a big difference in the audience. They had maybe 20 people in the room. They spoke for a while about that fact, and they spoke about the name of the group. The biggest news (for me) was that this year’s O Scale National in Wooster will likely be the last. Nobody has stepped up to put on the show for 2014.

John Paultz (American Switch & Signal) at his table.

John Paultz (American Switch & Signal) at his table.

Rich Yoder behind his table.

Rich Yoder behind his table.



Headed to Chicago

Ruby and Pearl trying to go with us.

Ruby and Pearl trying to go with us.

The wife and I were packing and getting ready to go to the Chicago O Scale Show and it looks like someone wants to go with us. That’s Ruby in the suitcase and Pearl in back keeping an eye on everything.

Looking forward to the trip and the show. I will have more to say when I get back.