Nice Fish Model Company CN Flat Car: Part 2

When all the unboxing was complete, this was the condition of the trucks that came with the car. Not a great look. But the Protocraft wheel sets will be reused. The rest, well the next two images tells you what I think.

I thought about using another pair of Intermountain Trucks with the wheels, but I chose to use a pair of RY Models Proto48 50 ton Bettendorf instead. Mostly because they were on the workbench already.

When I took off the half of the bolster that remained on the car I noticed that there was no spring on the bolster screws. So I decided to add one. Of corse that meant the while installing the new trucks, one had to shoot into the air. No problem reach into the screw bin and replace it.

I checked the remaining bolster screw and it wasn’t a 2 mm screw. It was a 2.2 mm screw, which I don’t stock. I did find the missing screw after searching the area around the workbench.

Both bolsters showed some damage. Since it was basically the same damage reversed at each end, I wonder if it was actually damage or just poor quality castings. I know what my thoughts are.

I shaved off the ridge on the bolster and then used the body washer from the RY Models trucks between the car and the truck. This placed the car at a good height for the couplers.

Here is the car with the trucks installed and the original wheels sitting on top. No they won’t be a load just forgot to take them off the car for the image.

I’m not all that impressed with the car. Besides the trucks, I was disappointed with the deck on the car. Check out the edges of the deck in the next two photos.

I wanted to try one, but I don’t think I’m happy with the car. Who knows, maybe I’ll change out the trucks for a pair of Ow5 trucks and you will see it for sale on my table in Chicago next month.

Nice Fish Model Company CN Flat Car

It’s February all ready. How did that happen?

Current view on the workbench. I have a CN 50 ton flat car model from Nice Fish Model Company. It didn’t make the journey to NJ very well.

For some reason it was shipped inside a printed box. As I opened the box I heard sounds, not a great sign. Then I saw parts.

Turns out it was just the trucks. Disappointing? Yes, but not the end of the world. The trucks appear to be Intermountain side frames with Protocraft Wheelsets. The 3D printed bolster were the weak link. That does not speak well for 3D Printing.

I will need to take a closer look at the draft gear. This appears a little misaligned.

Nice model, I’ll let you know more of what I think when I can look at it more thoroughly. First impressions are not the greatest based on condition of what I received. Fancy box to ship the model in that did not do its job to protect the model in transit. That does not speak well of the engineering behind this.

Sometimes a simple solution works. Small bubble wrap around the model and then larger bubble wrap around that has worked well for me in the past.

Recent Activity

I haven’t been up to too much lately. I have been having trouble just going into my train-room for any reason. Maybe I’m missing the passing of a couple of friends last year.

I did clear off the workbench to start to repair a couple of the yard steps on these three models that arrived from an auction this past November. They are three PRR G22’s built by Robert Parri.

The goal is to get them ready for paint. I have been looking to move my painting indoors, so I can paint all year long. The best days for painting outdoors are also the best days for being out in the world with a camera. The cameras usually win out.

Caveat Emptor – Weaver Hopper in an RY Models box

Sometimes you have to look closely and sometimes you don’t. This recent listing on the auction site for a RY Models PRR H21a Quad Hopper Car is actually kind of funny.

First, the model is a triple hopper not a quad. Rich did import triple hoppers, but this is not one of those imports. As I type this, the auction is up to $79, that is a lot for what this model is.

Look closely at the grab irons on the car. They are flat not round wire like the better brass imports.

Looking at the underside of the car you can see that it is actually a Weaver 70 ton offset hopper car that someone put in the wrong box.

More and more collections are being sold by people that do not know about O Scale models, this is happening more than it should. It starts with boxing the models correctly and it winds through to knowing what a model is, no matter what is written on the box.

The new owner is going to be very disappointed when this model arrives. If the auction closed today they would be paying $79 plus shipping for a model that often will not sell at a train show when priced at $20. But they will have a nice RY Models box to put it in.

Update: Last night the auction closed at $99

All photos downloaded from the auction site.

TCA Eastern Division York Train Meet – October 2024

Today, I attended my fourth TCA Eastern Division York Train Meet (aka York). They are growing on me. Do these shows hold much interest for a Proto48’er? Much more than I use to think.

While there are very few 2 rail O Scale models on the tables, compared to the number of 3 rail models, there are some. Sadly, I did not see any Proto48 models on the tables, but I really did not expect to see any. I did see more 2 rail models than I really expected too.

There was a vendor in the Orange Hall with both a number of Atlas O 2 rail freight cars and locomotives. I saw 4 SW-9’s, a half dozen ALCo C630’s, an ALCo C425, an ALCo RS-1 and some more modern EMD units. All at very good prices. Some were very tempting, but I didn’t want any more era sliding. I need to stay focused on my 1952 modeling period.

There were some 3 rail models for the Reading fans out there. This MTH FM TrainMaster is nice. Not a finely detailed as a Car & Locomotive Works model, but not near the price either.

There was a 3 rail SGL set on a table. Thankfully, I’m fine with the one I have. Mine is already converted to Proto48. I just need to find the time to install the DCC into it.

Atlas had a pair of new models on display at the show. First is an Atlas Master 73′ Center divider flat car. It was a very nice looking car. It will appeal to the modern modelers. The thought the graphics on the car were very nicely done.

Next is an Atlas Premier PS-5344 box car.

I was disappointed to see that Atlas’ new locomotive releases have DCS installed instead of DCC as the recent F7 runs had. Why can’t the manufacturers stay with industry standards like DCC? I wonder how a DCS release would go over in HO? And yet we in O scale have it shoved onto us. When it is not supported they will came back and say something like, there are no more 2 railers out there.

On to a more pleasant thought. This was a model on the Altoona Model Works Table. I liked it.

And let us not forget that this show is just a couple of weeks before Halloween.

Strasburg O Scale Show – October 2024

Today, was the October 2024 Strasburg O Scale Show. As always, there was lots of buying and selling going on. At times the crowds thinned down, but I can say the sales from the tables were steady throughout the day.

The day was full of surprises. There are different things on the table than normal. Check out this model above. I’ve only seen a ship on a table once before in Chicago. For the Erie fans out there, three Stillwell cars together on a table.

That was nice to see, but the surprising thing was the models were on Fred Stillwell’s table. And yes he was related to the namesake of the prototype cars.

There were some very nice models including some rare like this Kohs PRR K4 with the front end throttle. Or like the Lykin’s kit-built model of a PRR X60.

There were plenty of fine models in the show. Here were some more from John Dunn’s collection.

It was a good show. My table kept me rather busy and I only got through the full show a couple of times.

It was good to see familiar faces and some new ones. There was also plenty of talk of the friends that were no longer with us.

In Memoriam: Michael Rahilly

Michael Rahilly passed away tonight. He was my friend and we often traveled to shows together sharing a table. Above is an image of Michael behind the table enjoying selling supplies that we all needed.

Michael was also a very good modeler, having won a number of awards at the O Scale Nationals for models like what is shown below.

Most folks will remember Michael in his usual spot at the Strasburg Show across from the kitchen window on the end of the first isle. Here he is behind the table with his oldest daughter Lauren helping him during the show.

Michael was a father of three daughters, a former train conductor, a locomotive engineer, a rules examiner for NJ Transit, a fine modeler and also my friend. I will miss him.

What’s on the Workbench?

There has been a lot going on recently, but not that much train related. My biggest project recently has been cleaning in the train room and getting the workbench cleaned off again. There is a flyer on the bench from Kadee. I do have some of their new Proto48 trucks in. I will post some photos once the workbench is cleared off.

I did get some painting done in the last month or so. My friend needed a couple of P70 under frames painted black.

While getting those painted I did manage to paint some open hoppers on the same day. A couple of RY Models fish belly twins for the Reading and behind them a pair of PSC offset hopper cars. The PSC car will be decorated for off road hopper cars.

Something was not right.

Sorry for the site being down over the weekend. I was reviewing some things within the admin tool for the site and followed the wrong advice. Turned out that created a conflict with a plug-in, which created a fatal error on the site.

Trying to correct that took a little work. Let’s just say that now I know more about editing the database behind the site. Conflict resolved.

I’m back on track and the site is working again. It was a very frustrating couple of days. Back to modeling.

In Memoriam: Bob Heil

I heard yesterday that Bob Heil had passed away. Bob was a fixture in the O Scale community in the East for a very long time. I first meet Bob at shows like the Timonium shows in Maryland before I knew many people in O Scale back in the 90’s.

Besides being an excellent modeler, he was also the East Coast dealer for Sunset and Golden Gate Models. He was always happy to share his knowledge with anyone who asked a question. I always enjoyed talking with him at the different shows.

He will be missed.