In Memoriam: Bob Heil

I heard yesterday that Bob Heil had passed away. Bob was a fixture in the O Scale community in the East for a very long time. I first meet Bob at shows like the Timonium shows in Maryland before I knew many people in O Scale back in the 90’s.

Besides being an excellent modeler, he was also the East Coast dealer for Sunset and Golden Gate Models. He was always happy to share his knowledge with anyone who asked a question. I always enjoyed talking with him at the different shows.

He will be missed.

2024 Strasburg O Scale Show – August

Today, was the August 2024 Strasburg O Scale Show. As always, there was lots of buying and selling going on. At times the crowds thinned down, but that just allowed more stories to be shared. I can say the sales from the tables were steady throughout the day.

I was busy between my own table and a table that had items from John Dunn’s collection. One of the surprises was a set of B&O cars built by George Stock from Walther’s kits. These cars featured interior detailing and hand painted lettering.

Rich Yoder also had brass model’s from John’s collection on multiple tables. Above is just a few of the cars. There were many other models throughout the show.