This morning I was studying diagrams and photos to try to see if I could find a simpler way to construct one of the Reading signature covered hopper cars, the LOb. I was looking to see if I was missing an option of a way to build them.

I opened one of the scans of a Reading Company builder’s photo of the LOb. When I noticed how banged up the ribs were. The ribs were reclaimed for 18 year old 70 ton quad hopper from the HTl and HTn classes. So they were not new. But look at the dents in the ribs.
Then I noticed a couple of things that made me laugh a little.
First, check out the bottom of the closest rib, it’s not cut square to the side of the car.
Next, check out how the board in the tack board on the frame is larger than the hold downs on either side. Would we consider rebuilding those details if it came out looking like that? Most of us would.
Next, look at the class stenciled on the car, “LOb”. The “B” is slightly lower than the “LO”. Even the stenciled built date doesn’t exactly line up level. As O scalers, we do not have as many options for decals as the smaller scales do. We often have to letter a car from bits and pieces of decal sets for different cars. Splicing a class together is common. I know I would have kept fussing with this one to make it line up better.
So are we too hard on ourselves? Maybe a little?
I a fellow proto48 modeler will be moving to York from the indy area among my close friends is Jim Cantor
I will try to track you down I have already invited Jim to come to next years meets
David B Hardin, MD
I will be a physician at Encompass Rehabilitation in York