Today, I attended the TCA Eastern Division York Train Meet. So you might ask, what is a Proto48 modeler doing at a TCA Train Meet? Truth is, I was having fun.
The size of the show is beyond belief. One of the halls was bigger than most of the train shows I have attended, and there were 5 different halls. The biggest surprise of the day was how important the shuttle bus running between the halls actually was.
Now in reality, the amount of 2-rail models in the halls is probably closer to that of a small club show. And we won’t talk about the amount of Proto48 in the halls, none. The amount of 1/4 inch to the foot models was a different story.
There was a lot of early Lionel and Standard Gauge throughout the show. I didn’t experience any of those models growing up and they hold little interest to me, but they did to a lot of people attending.
Before the show, I wanted to go looking for building models and scenery materials for the layout. It turned out that I did learn more about some of the building models currently available that might work on the layout. And I did find some scale 2-rail scale models at very good prices.
There was some O Scale brass mixed throughout the show, but you mostly had to look very closely for it. What comes to mind was a few USH steam locomotives, some early Sunset steam and a pair of Custom Brass PRR MP54’s. There were a few brass freight cars throughout the show and one vendor had some PSC, Overland and a couple of Pacific Limited cars.
I’m trying now to have better focus and staying away from some of the nice modern prototype offerings. You can’t model everything. But there were a lot of ’70’s and ’80’s prototypes there at very good pricing just calling out to be converted to 2-rail or proto48.
I was very surprised by how much S Scale and American flyer I saw at the show. I dipped my toe into the S Scale waters about twenty years ago, but decided that wasn’t my path. It was difficult to resist some of the S scale models in the show. Even some that I have said to myself, if I were to find them, I’d purchase them.

I attended the show with John Dunn, he mentioned during the day that it was his 52 year of attended the show. It was my first time attending.
I can say the energy of the show was contagious. I see why he has attended the last 52 years. John was also great to attend the show with, as he kept explaining what I was seeing on some of the tables.
If I had gone to this show looking specifically for just 2-rail or Proto48 models, I might have been disappointed. I went with an open mind, looking for models and ideas for the layout. I found that many times over and had a great day. Now, I’m looking forward to the October Meet.