Today was the Strasburg O Scale Train Show. It was well attended for as beautiful the weather was today. As always it was great to see so many models available for sale. But it was also really nice to see and talk with so many people that we only get to see in person at the shows.
Just before the show started David Vaughn presented Terry Terrance his induction into the O Scale Central Hall of Fame. Congratulations to Terry, a well deserved honor for a fine gentleman. I was not able to get a good image of the presentation but below is a link to a photo that Ken Kime posted in the 2Rail O Scale & Proto48 Model Railroading Facebook group:

Views of the engine room of the firehouse. Below was Dave Richter’s tables.

For the Reading modelers, there were a number of notable models on the tables at this show. There was a Sunset L7 (4-6-0 camelback) on one of Dave Richter’s tables. It did not last long into the show. There was also a Weaver Crusader Pacific, an SGL G-3 pacific and some of the SGL passenger cars on the tables.
Clinics have returned to the show. They were presented by Kerry Kime and John Dunn. Kerry’s clinic was on making pine trees from heater filters. John had two presentations, the first was an add on to Kerry’s clinic. John talked about making trees sedum plants.
Kerry did a great job demonstrating haw she has made trees for their home layout using a wood dowel and cut up heater filters. This was the second time she has given the presentation during a Strasburg Show. The first time was at her table inside the show in August. This turned out to be a better location where the participants were not as distracted by everything in the room.

John added onto Kerry’s presentation with a quick talk about making trees from the sedum plant. While not actually making trees John showed examples of trees made and

John’s other presentation was called Pizza-Box Weathering. When John first posted that he was doing that presentation it caught my attention. John explained that he likes to weather using Conte Crayons. If you’re not familiar with them they are a drawing tool that I remember using in art school in life drawing classes. It has a little more tooth to stay where you put it.

For the second time the show held a benefit auction with all the proceeds going to the firehall. This year they had three donated models up for auction, a Diamond Scale Turntable kit, a custom built structure built by Martin Brechbiel and a Yarmouth Models PRR X31f kit built by Cris Crane. The X31f included a correct pair of Rich Yoder PRR 2D-F12 trucks, in either O Scale or Proto48 for the car.
The surprise of the show was the sale price of the X31f. After spirited bidding between two bidders the car sold for $900.