About twenty years ago I bought this Atlas SW-9. The unit was painted CN&W but I was planning on repainting it. This unit was the first I ever installed a DCC decoder into. I had some track set up in my kitchen in my first house. I used to just like to turn on the locomotive and listen to it idle of the table while I cooked dinner.
The unit was going to be repainted PRR back I first bought it. Never got to that. When the PRR became a secondary modeling focus, I tried to find other uses for this great running locomotive.
You might remember I had posts of it with an MTH SW-1 shell of the drive. Then, I was able to find a brass SW-1 at a Chicago Show. So it started to become an NW-2. I cut up an old All Nation NW-2 shell and fit the hood on the drive.
I finally found an extra old SW-9 shell at another show and put it back together as a SW-9. But it really didn’t fit my model needs for 1952. The Reading did not have SW-9’s until 1956.
The other day it was made ready and moved out onto the modeling interchange track. It shipped out over the weekend on it’s way to a new home. I did enjoy the model, but now I won’t be as tempted to paint it PC and model the early ’70’s.
It wasn’t even on my mind to part with the model. But someone was looking for one, so I thought it be a good reason to stop trying to find something to build it into.
I do want to remind readers that I do put models that no longer fit my modeling focus on my Interchange Track page.
It does create an empty project bin. What will fill that space next?