Today was the Strasburg O Scale Show. The show was well attended. Besides the regular crowd, were even a pair of modelers up from Texas who stopped by and spoke with me at our table.
The show was well attended, there were a couple of dealers that did not show. Leaving the appearence open tables. I heard different whispers about health concerns for some of those individuals. I only hope that all are ok.
Rich Yoder did the honors of auctioning off the Nighthawks Cafe model. The model was built from a kit offered by Wit and Wisdom Models, Dave Vaughn’s company and built by Martin Brechbiel.
The proceeds benefit the Strasburg Fire Company where the show is hosted. We should all remember that they have had a rough year with the pandemic canceling the different shows and events that they normally host throughout the year.
This was a great opportunity to buy a very nice model and help a great organization.

There was a lot of buying going on during the show. I was glad to have sold the last of my Red Caboose GP9’s. They are wonderful models but were not built yet for my modeling period. I’m happy to say that all have found new homes.
For the Reading modeler, there were a few models in the show. I did see an Overland T-1 and an SGL G3 on the tables. I even saw a Reading Camelback painted as an LNE switcher go home with one of the guys from our group.

Paul Yanosik brought some new models to share with me. He is in the process of upgrading some of the details on his first CNJ Baldwin builds. He also brought along some photos from their construction. And he shared with me a cab which was in the process of being converted from an EMD F7 into a Baldwin cab. Thank you Paul.

I would be interested in some of those CNJ Baldwin babyface unit if they ever became available. Thanks for the show report; I had a great time!