Still working on the Weaver gearboxes for my GP7 project. I have to say, putting those little 2-56 nut on the screws that hold them together is a real pain. I know with all the Weaver models that have used them, they had to have come up with a way to easily put them together. Me I’m still trying to find an easy way to hold the nut and start threading it onto the screws. Haven come up with one yet that keeps the nuts from hitting the floor a half dozen times.
It also didn’t help that I was trying to use older gearboxes from an older donor Weaver drive for the second unit. It turned out getting them open was difficult. Someone had placed a drop of ACC on the treads and nut to keep them together.
Progress has been slow, but I still haven’t painted the trucks yet so it’s not really holding me up yet.