I attended the Renningers Model Train Meet in Kutztown, PA. This is an all scales train meet with free admission and free parking. The show is held partly outdoors and partly under cover in to long barns with open sides. Thankfully, it was a beautiful day. I wonder what this would have been like in bad weather.

The show was well attended and unlike many O Scale Shows, there was a nice mix of young and old modelers at the show. So yes, there are young people interested in model trains. They just don’t always go to O Scale Shows.
There was a mix of scales represented, lots of 3-rail, S Scale and a smaller amount of HO scale. For the few 2-rail O Scale modelers in the crowd that I had the chance to talk to, there was not much to offer.
A number of vendors had railroad hardware on their tables, a lot of lanterns, some railroad signs. Including one vendor with a Reading oval whistle sign, that was very tempting. But that was not why I was there.

I was there to meet a gentleman I spoke with back at the Strasburg Show who was delivering a long out of production kit to me. It is a Locomotive Workshop kit for a CNJ Baldwin Double Ender (CNJ Baldwin DRX-6-4-2000).
I first saw one of these kits on a table at the O Scale National in Stamford, CT. about twenty years ago. I passed on purchassing the kit back then, and I have not seen one for sale on a table since. If you have ever experienced a Locomotive Workshop kit before, they really can be just a pile of parts that do not always fit together.

My original thought was that I wanted to build the CNJ Babyfaced Freight units and this kit would give my the two noses that I would need for the project. Now, I’m thinking the kit is for a unique locomotive. I might want to built the kit as a passenger unit also. Either way at this point, I want to assemble a nose casting and make resin copies of it for either or both projects.

Since I was in Kutztown, I had to visit the ex-Reading station downtown. With the weather being so nice, I took the opportunity to be out photographing some of the local buildings with one of my view cameras.

Before heading back home for the day, I drove up to Kempton, PA to see some of their ex-Reading passenger equipment. I had some questions about the steps and end details on the cars. Turns out they had a pair of the coaches and a combine sitting out near the station on the Wanamaker Kempton & Southern.