Maurer’s Auction held an auction today in East Earl, PA. The items being auctioned were from Lee Stabb’s estate.
Lee Stabb was a modeler from Reading, PA who passed away last year. Lee had a large railroad over his garage he used for his business. Here are some images of the railroad.
Lee was also a Weaver dealer at one time, I bought a new Weaver G1 from Lee a in 2018. There were a number of Weaver models that were brand new and other models that saw regular service on his layout.
Lee enjoyed a lot of the anthracite roads and models of those roads were scattered throughout the auction. A little something for everybody attending.

For the Reading fan, there were plenty of Reading models in the auction. There were four Wolfer T-1’s in the auction. They looked great, but I still like the Overland T-1’s a little better. Since I have a pair of the Overland’s, I stayed away from the Wolfer models.

There were couple of Weaver G1’s, an SGL G3’s, and a number of Weaver RS-3’s in the auction. There were also two sets of the five car passenger sets from SGL and also a couple of the add on cars.

Most people were taking notice of the kit-bashed N1’s and K1’s that were built from the old AHM IHB 0-8-0 plastic kits. I was told John Myers did the work kit-bashing these locomotives. They are nice models, but they sold higher than what I wanted to pay.