The new Sunset FP-7’s arrived today.
My first impression is good. I do see a couple of things that I will want to improve.
For now, I just want to look at them and enjoy them.

Follow-up to this post. About two years after this was posted. I was approached by a friend who was regretting not buying a pair of these. I ended up selling these models to him. He did not mind the things I saw wrong with the models at all. These have since been replaced with Overland FP-7’s working their way through the paint shop.
I have just re-entered O scale after a 30-year hiatus, and am looking to acquire RDG diesels and steam and some rolling stock. Are the Sunset FP7s available? Any review? How about FTs? Suggestions?
Thanks Much,
Chuck Blardone
Lancaster, PA
Welcome back to O Scale!
I’ve sent you an email off line as a response to you questions.